Enterprise UX Design

How is Enterprise UX Different from Consumer UX?

When we think of anything related to Enterprise, most tend to think of something dull, clunky, and uninspiring. This thought process holds for Enterprise UX too. Apart from this, many people also question seasoned enterprise designers about the differences UX for enterprise applications have compared to consumer applications. “How is Enterprise UI Design different?”, “Why is UX for enterprise applications different?”, “What makes enterprise software UX different from consumer experience design?”: these are some of the most common questions people ask the experts.

Enterprise software experience focuses on goal-based efficiency. Hence, instead of focusing on exciting factors, UX for enterprise applications focuses on streamlining the workflows. The end goal of this UX is to focus on driving better business results. Here are some key aspects which showcase the uniqueness of UX for enterprises:

Emphasis on user research and business knowledge

Irrespective of types, each UX type focuses on “end-users.” However, UX for Enterprise applications works slowly. Before ideating a solution, designers need comprehensive research data comprising goals, business units, etc.

Apart from this, it also emphasizes the collection of business knowledge. This is done to understand the hierarchy, strategy, and culture. Enterprise software UX relies on combined insights of user research and business knowledge to form pillars of an effective Enterprise UI design.

Emphasis on User Research in Enterprise UX

Focus on technical constraints

Most Enterprise software UX applications also consider the technical capabilities of a product. This UX is primarily centered around critical technological choices. Most business applications require employees to understand industrial tools utilized in the workplace. In the earlier days of software UX, using industrial tools required technical understanding and hours of training sessions. However, most recent solutions come with an enhanced UX making the onboarding process more accessible.

Focus on Technical Constraints in Enterprise UX

Requirements-first model

Most Enterprise UI designs are primarily focused on putting business requirements atop user research. Designers must schedule and budget judiciously while delivering a delightful and usable product. All user insights must be demonstrated in the presence of stakeholders to proceed with product development.

Most requirements-based designs can be tested amongst employees and other potential customers. This gives the UX researchers ideas about the exact needs, wants, emotions, and desires.

Requirements-first Model in Enterprise UX

Manageable complexity

No matter how hard we try, we cannot deny that enterprise software is as complex as it gets. Despite efforts, most Enterprise software UX designs are burdened by requirements. This complexity, however, is manageable. Activities like role analysis, user stories, feedback gathering, screen flows, etc., can help boost a solution’s impact by simplifying the user experience.

Manageable Complexity in Enterprise UX

Acceptable tradeoff

Most enterprise software designs suffer from the compromise of learnability. Hence, understanding enterprise systems becomes a complicated task for users. Additionally, such systems consume a lot of time to get a hold of them.

Most enterprise application users need to undergo training to prepare themselves. However, this tradeoff is tweak-friendly in terms of how flexibly an interface is designed and the options it caters to the end-users.

Acceptable Trade-off in Enterprise UX

These are some of the highlights of Designing for Enterprises. These aspects demonstrate the essence of enterprise software UX and the tremendous opportunities it brings. If you wish to learn more about the exciting world of Enterprise UX, feel free to check out the Enterprise UX Design course on ProApp. It covers all that you need to know to design enterprise applications. From the introduction to principles, challenges to types, and pro tips, the course ensures a comprehensive learning experience for all interested.

Learn the Enterprise UX Design course on Android.

Learn the Enterprise UX Design course on iOS.